Here are some fun images of people enjoying a good read to celebrate Book Lovers Day.
Right now, I’m reading a galley of Ava Miles’ The Chocolate Garden (book two in her Dare River series).
What are YOU reading today?
Are you on a boat?#84022335 / gettyimages.com
At the beach?
#143072621 / gettyimages.com
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At the pool?
#135538711 / gettyimages.com
#75313808 / gettyimages.com
Outside?#463031981 / gettyimages.com#130112281ย /ย gettyimages.com
Camping?#177660617ย /ย gettyimages.com
In a hammock?#124206760 / gettyimages.com
#108359318 / gettyimages.com
#200271708-001 / gettyimages.com
On a sofa?#137173297ย /ย gettyimages.com
In Bed?
#82795931ย /ย gettyimages.com
Reading together . . . ?
#135559919 / gettyimages.com
#143382198 / gettyimages.com
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#482175299 / gettyimages.com
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Wherever you are and whatever you’re reading … enjoy yourself!