Monday Musings: A look back to the beginnings of Fab Fantasy Fiction

In just about two months, Fab Fantasy Fiction will be celebrating it’s first official blogoversary. When I say official, while I may have been inspired to start the blog back in January 2011, but that’s all it really was – an inspiration – a gleam in my eye.

WOW! I guess, that this blog had an even longer gestation period than an elephant (their average is 645 days) and this was two years and a few months!

If you’ve ever wondered why this blog exists, look no further than Kim Harrison. Why? It’s her The Hollows series that really inspired me to think a bit out of the box as a reader.

I recall rereading this series over a Christmas break in 2010 and thinking about it a lot. Not only is The Hollows a great read, but there are so many subtexts in these stories that my mind could not rest processing all of them. I wanted to talk about them. But none of my friends read the same books I did – so I started to think about blogging. Just about that time I also became aware of NetGalley. And the confluence of wanted to discuss what I read and having the ability to request digital review copies. Synchronicity at its best.

Then real life intervened. My former position required not 40 or 50 hours from me on average, but what seemed more like 70 or 80. I managed to review four books before, sadly, putting the idea of the blog aside.

Two years and some months later, I had left my job and found my reading habit had only exploded as I recovered from a long illness. Last October, I began to think about the blog and soon – with my first NetGalley request filled – posted a review.

Over time, my vision for the blog has evolved. This past January, I was able to really stretch a bit with a series of author interviews. I loved that and want to offer more as I think you all like them too.

But the basis of this blog will remain reviews along with expressions of my somewhat contrary viewpoint on Mondays and other regular features.

I’m truly enjoying the Tasty Tuesday explorations of foodie lovers books – do you like them too? I hope so.

Wednesdays are my wild card day and may feature something fun, a series of short reviews, or a giveaway.

On Thursdays I love looking back at books and authors that impacted my life in some way and would love to hear about books that effected you too.

Fridays. Well, Fridays are my search to feed your reader with great books at no or low cost. I’m a firm believer that everyone should have the chance to read the books they love – irrespective of how much money they have. That’s also the reason I love my library and Overdrive.

Now, how will I be celebrating this blogoversary? Hopefully by hearing from you, the reader, about what you like and don’t like. Now, remember I’m contrary, so I may not agree with you, but I will listen. That’s a guarantee.

I’d also like to say “thank you” for being one of the many daily visitors to the blog. So, I’ll have some little pre-blogoversary giveaways. The first one will feature a little natural bling. Yes, I’m a girly girl sometimes and love my jewelry and am guessing some of you do too. So, for US (only) residents, you’ll have a chance to win a very pretty turquoise bracelet. International visitors will have the chance to win three great eBooks. Sound like fun? I think so. Just visit the Blogoversary page to find out the details.

Thanks again for joining me on this journey.


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