AUTHOR INTERVIEW, GIVEAWAY, AND BOOK EXCERPT: J.C. Daniels (aka Shiloh Walker) discusses her new book, Broken Blade

We’re so happy to welcome you, J.C. (or should I call you Shiloh)? Yes, author J.C. Daniels is Shiloh Walker, one of our favorite writers. We’re so happy that you’re able to join us during our January Book Blitz and tell us more about the Colbana Files and your new book, Broken Blade!
 J.C. Daniels thank you so much for joining us on the release day for Broken Blade! Our questions are rather wide-ranging, from your life, writing habits and inspiration, and a little more about the Colbana Files series. So thanks for stopping by and let’s chat!

Can you

REVIEW: Jessica Scott’s military romance Back to You is an engrossing and compelling rediscovery of love

imageFrom the moment I began reading the first book in Jessica Scott’s Coming Home series, I knew that this was an author whose voice I would like to listen to forever. The sensitivity and compassion with which she depicts the soldiers in this series, wounded physically and psychologically by the immense toll of war, reverberates within your heart as you read these novels.

Back to You by Jessica Scott is the third book in the series and one that I eagerly awaited receiving. When the publisher shared it with me in preparation for Jessica’s pre-launch visit to the blog on …

Feeding Your eReader Friday with FREE & almost free books: Contemporary, Paranormal, Historical, & Romantic Suspense


It’s the first Friday of 2014, so here is your FREE & almost free ($0.99 / $1.99) selection of books for your eReader. Please note that these offers may be very limited, so if you see something you like, download it right away!
The list is curated and I’ve included either books that I’ve read and highly recommend or books by authors whose work I esteem highly.
Here’s a link to last week’s Feeding Your eReader.

If you’re reading this via another site, click here to access the blog and direct links to the Kindle books. 

To access any of

FFF’s Throwback Thursday: What book/author/series would you like to see digitized?

imageFor the New Year, I’m starting a new Thursday “tradition” on Fab Fantasy Fiction. Thanks to a suggestion from my good friend, Barbs, every week I’m going to “throw out” a book I’d love to see digitized – and why. If you could join in the conversation too – either here or on Facebook – that would be fabulous!

So many publishing houses are now re-visiting their backlists and we’ve seen Harlequin digitize books as the Harlequin Treasury from the 1980s and 1990s, quite a few Barbara Cartland titles have been turned into eBooks as many of Grace Livingston

REVIEW: Sherryl Woods’ A Seaside Christmas is a romance that sings with heart and passion

imageFor me a perfect romance to curl up with should have an enticing setting (this could be the mountains or seaside, or a very old French village), characters that I can connect to and befriend for how ever many pages I read, and a story that captures my interest. I have to say that Sherryl Woods’ Chesapeake Shores series has all those elements and I feel blessed that I began reading it after she had already published books one to nine. (Yes, I am an impatient reader and prefer not to have to wait months or a year to find …