Here is a FABulous selection of FREE & almost free ($0.99) books for your Kindle. This list is carefully chosen and I have either read the title or am recommending it as I highly respect the author.
Some of these offers may not last for long, so if you see a book you’d like – click on the book’s cover image and/or the underlined link to download it from Amazon.com.
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Remember to leave your feedback for the author and …
What could be more American and apple pie (or perhaps some biscuits and b-b-q) than the cowboy? In celebration of Independence Day tomorrow, I decided to search out one of my all-time favorite authors of all-things cowboy, Diana Palmer.
Her Long, Tall Texans series is one that I love. Yes, I’ve heard the arguments pro and con (her books are formulaic, the heroines are wishy washy, and the heroes can be mean), but actually I find the Long, Tall, Texans series as well as her Hutton & Co., Men of Medicine Ridge, Most Wanted, Soldiers of Fortune, really enjoyable …
First up for this treatment is Lora Leigh. She’s one of my go to favorite authors and hers is one of the first books that I remember purchasing when I discovered the wonderful and magical world of ebooks. Since then, I’ve continued to grab her books as they’ve been released, but haven’t really taken the time to dig into …