Author Interview, Book Excerpt, Giveaway: Ava Miles, acclaimed author of Nora Roberts Land, discusses the Dare Valley series

Today I am deeply honored to welcome Ava Miles to Fab Fantasy Fiction. Ava is an author that truly amazes me. Both she and her writing radiate sincerity, humor, and kindness. In addition, each book in her Dare Valley series is a jewel of a romance. Just like the namesake of her first book, NORA ROBERTS LAND, I imagine twenty and even fifty years from now that these books will continue to be read and enjoyed – touching the heart and soul of each reader. Ava, thank you so much for taking the time today to step away from …

Review: Five stars for Tracey Alvarez’s HOT, humorous, and highly enjoyable romance, In Too Deep

imageI fell in love the other night. Really I did. Unfortunately I don’t have my visa in order to go visit my new passion, but I hope to do so soon. Really I do. Yes, someday I’ll pay a visit to Stewart Island in New Zealand, as portrayed by Tracey Alvarez in her new book IN TOO DEEP.

The first in a new series entitled Due South, IN TOO DEEP is a wonderful love story, not just between the two protagonists, but also a love song for this very special island. I wouldn’t be surprised that tourism might …

Book Excerpt & Giveaway: Agent T3: d’Artagnan by Joni Hahn

imageAuthor Joni Hahn is delighted to share with readers an excerpt from AGENT T3: D’ARTAGNAN, book 3 in her D.I.R.E. Agency series. 
Joni is also offering readers the chance to have their own digital copy of AGENT T3: D’ARTAGNANSee the giveaway below (open till midnight EST Sunday, 1/19).



“I thought I’d seen the last of this damned hospital.”
Dar walked beside Tristan in the third floor corridor of Creekmore General. Mitchell had stopped at the nurse’s station to ask of Brentwood’s whereabouts …

Review: Four stars for Maya Banks’ After the Storm, a love story about learning the power and beauty of trust.

imageAfter I read After the Storm by Maya Banks, the eighth novel in her Kelly Group International (KGI) series, I began to ponder some questions: What is a hero? Does he have to be alpha and domineering? Or can he be a hero by conveying compassion, kindness, and love? I think you already have guessed that my answer may sound like I’m making heroes “wimp” out. However, my personal sense is that sometimes its much harder to be considered heroic while not making grand gestures, but in actually remembering how many sugars one’s best friend’s wife takes in tea. …

BOOK EXCERPT: Agent I1: Tristan by Joni Hahn, book one in the D.I.R.E. Agency series



Being invisible had definite advantages – slipping in and out of rebel compounds, stealing enemy technology and weapons, and listening in on private conversations, to name a few. But none, not one, was more beneficial, more gratifying, more freaking hot, than watching Rachel Monroe dress in this church, undetected.Tristan Jacobs ducked around the full-length mirror to get a better angle. His conscience told him he should be shot for standing there ogling Aidan’s sister. His former BUD/S teammate and swim buddy, Aidan Monroe, had saved his life …